
Maxims and Arrows

1. Idleness is the beginning of psychology. What? Could psychology be – a vice?

2. Even the bravest of us rarely has the courage for what he really knows . . .

3. To live alone one must be an animal or a god – says Aristotle. There is yet a third case: one must be both – a philosopher.

4. ‘All truth is simple’ – is that not a compound lie? –

5. Once and or all, there is a great deal I do not want to know. – Wisdom sets bounds even to knowledge.

6. It is by being ‘natural’ that one best recovers from one’s unnaturalness, from one’s spirituality . . .

7. Which is it? Is man only God’s mistake or God only man’s mistake? –

8. From the military school of life – What does not kill me makes me stronger.

9. Help thyself: then everyone will help thee too. Principle of Christian charity.

10. Let us not be cowardly in face of our actions! Let us not afterwards leave them in the lurch! – Remorse of conscience is indecent.

11. Can an ass be tragic? – to be crushed by a burden one can neither bear nor throw off? . . . The case of the philosopher.

12. If we possess our why of life we can put up with almost any how. – Man does not strive after happiness; only the Englishman does that.

13. Man created woman – but what out of? Out of a rib of his God, of his ‘ideal’ . . .

14. What? You are seeking? You want to multiply yourself by ten, by a hundred? You are seeking followers? – Seek noughts!

15. Posthumous men – like me, for instance – are not so well understood as timely men, but they are listened to better. More precisely: we are never understood – and hence our authority …

16. Among women. – ‘Truth? Oh, you don’t know the truth, do you! Is it not an outrage on all our pudeurs?’ –

17. This is an artist as an artist should be, modest in his requirements: there are only two things he really wants, his bread and his art – panem et circen . . .

18. He who does not know how to put his will into things at least puts a meaning into them: that is, he believes there is a will in them already (principle of ‘belief’).

-Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)